Saturday, June 19, 2010

How Do Virus Infections Play a Part in Asthma and Allergy Relief?

Asthma and Allergies both have some of the same symptoms that affect the lungs. Causes for both of them are pollen, mold, pets and dust mites. More and more people are being diagnosed every day for both asthma and allergies because of the pollution in the air. One of the common causes behind these conditions is smoke.

Asthma develops in the lungs and pulmonary system and when a person gets a virus infection it in the lungs, it can bring on an asthma attack. A person not even knowing they have asthma (inflammation in the airways) can sometimes have an attack. A simple cold or flu can bring on an asthma attack as well. A virus infection does not cause asthma but will bring out the worst of asthma. A known study found that children with frequent virus infections at the age of 3 showed a lower risk of having asthma.

Treatment for asthma and allergies are about the same when treating the indoor and outdoor allergens. They are both related to the pollution in the air and have the same symptoms. Medication can be provided for both. Be sure to consult your doctor before trying to treat your symptoms on your own and avoid being around anyone with a virus infection, cold, or flu.

Keeping the home environment clean will help keep colds and flu from spreading in the home. Clean environments will help to protect your loved ones who have asthma or allergies. The air is full of pollution and germs outdoors and inside so clean as much as possible.

Finding a good air filter and vacuum sweeper is one of the key things a person needs in their home to help keep the symptoms from recurring. Freeing up the home environment of the allergens and germs from infections will help keep the risk of asthma and allergy attacks down.

When you are purchasing an air filter for the home makes sure it is one size larger than required for the room size. Buying it larger than needed will save energy and do a better job of cleaning. If you have, two bedrooms buy just two and move one out to the other room each day when you get up.

Putting an air filter of some kind in the bedrooms will let you breath in fresh clean and crisp air for a longer time of period. Getting as much fresh air as you can will help you through the next day.

When you vacuum the floors spray or powder them good with a dust mite killer. Make sure the air filter on the vacuum is clean so the dirty air can flow through and come out clean.

Dust mites like to live where it is warm and dark so be sure to clean good in all of these areas including the TV, stereo, and furniture too.

After your done vacuuming put the air filter into a plastic zipper bag before throwing it in the trash to keep the dust from seeping through.

Most basements are damp causing mold. Be sure that you have a dehumidifier in down there with a good air filter attached. Cleaning products can be purchased to clean all traces of the mold build up and the dehumidifier will help keep the mold from returning.

Remember try to avoid being around pollen, mold, pet dander, and dust mites as much as possible if you have asthma or allergies. Consult you doctor and he can give you advice on the medications you can do to help relieve attacks and symptoms from reoccurring. There is no cure but there is some relief so you can live a normal everyday life.

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